Right Where You Need To Be.

Thank you for coming.

I appreciate you for joining in, I really hope you stay.

I'm not too sure where to begin…

For as long as I can remember I’ve been getting the same signals from the universe. A somewhat consistent yet pseudo-stimulating nudging (?) that has descended into my conscience and increased invasion on my inner-peace over time. Indescribable, though it remains, insufferable it has become. Leaks from the fountain I had forged sprung forth and now stains remain amongst these pages from the spillage forced.

Right now I think I’m in the same spot you are. Daily trying to figure out the best way to make it through this hell-scape we have found ourselves amidst. For me that looks like avoiding the next panic-inducing headline, being more considerate of others and frenzied curating of whatever freak going-ons I decide to document in here.

As of this writing I am sitting on over 50 songs, endless snippets and upwards of 100,000 rambling words collected since I don’t remember when on everything from encouragement to bird-rankings and horror stories and more. The Motion has been beautifully hectic to say the least but I feel blessed and see bountiful overall. I believe it is well beyond time I shared these experiences and not just because of the lingering existential dread in the atmosphere. I truly hope that this forum spurs you to reach out, link up and provide the stimuli for us to build something cool. That’s enough of me for now. The Real Ones will get it and the Quality should hopefully do the rest of the talking.




Nite Owls & Sci-Fi